Ministry News

Shan State Investment Forum 2019 was held at the Royal Taunggyi Hotel in Taunggyi, Shan State on 26th November, 2019. It was organized by the Ministry of Investment and Foreign Economic Relations (MIFER), the Myanmar Investment Commission (MIC) and the Shan State Investment Committee (SSIC) in cooperation with Deutsche Gesellschaftfür Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) with the aim of promoting the agriculture sector.

The forum was attended Union Minister for Investment and Foreign Economic Relations and Chairman of the Myanmar Investment Commission (MIC), U Thaung Tun, Chief Minister of Shan State Government Dr. Linn Htut, the Ambassador of Germany to Myanmar H.E Mr. Thomas Neisinger, Ministers of Shan State Government, as well as departmental officials and representatives of embassies, international organizations, foreign investors, local businesses and the media.

A total of 92 foreign investors from China, Germany, Netherlands, United Kingdom, United States, Australia, Russia, Japan, Korea, Singapore, Malaysia and Cambodia joined the forum interested to invest in the Shan State. An exhibition was also organized together with the forum.

Union Minister U Thaung Tun, Chief Minister Dr. Linn Htut and Ambassador Thomas Neisinger, opened the Investment Forum and delivered opening remarks.

In his keynote address, the Union Minister highlighted that Myanmar as an agricultural country considered the agriculture sector to be important to achieve sustainable development.  He also stressed that agricultural growth was critical for inclusive development and for food security. He said that efforts were being made to raise agriculture productivity to ensure national growth. He stated that his conviction that the forum would enable many agro-businesses to thrive and flourish in the Shan State.

Following the opening session, a panel discussion on “Opportunities for Investing Agriculture in Shan State” was convened.

A business matching session was held in the afternoon.

The participants of the forum are scheduled to tour the Ayethayar industrial zone and places of interest for potential investors.