Ministry News

Nay Pyi Taw, 13 November


U Thaung Tun, Union Minister for Investment and Foreign Economic Relations delivered a keynote speech today via video message ahead of a panel discussion on technology and the future of work in ASEAN as part of the 2020 ASEAN Business and Investment Summit taking place in Hanoi, Vietnam.


Delivering remarks alongside H.E. Ir. H. Joko Widodo, President of the Republic of Indonesia and The Right Honourable Elizabeth Truss MP, Secretary of State for International Trade, UK, Union Minister U Thaung Tun affirmed that for ASEAN to succeed all must prepare to adapt to new technologies as entire industries undergo restructuring in search of new sources of sustainable growth.


"From AI to AR – we must lean into the adoption and diffusion of innovation and technology. Students studying to become doctors must demonstrate an understanding of advanced robotics. The next generation of MSMEs must be digital-ready, familiar with e-commerce and digital payment platforms. Our farmers must become the knowledge workers of the future!” 


Union Minister also called for greater openness and compassion in confronting challenges posed as ASEAN transitions into the 4th Industrial Revolution stating:


“We must harness modern technology’s latest offerings to address society’s oldest problems. Our centres of learning must not neglect the importance of mindfulness, collaboration, and compassion. We must be open and accepting so that our individual differences pose no barrier. Our schools must teach critical thinking. Our political systems, places of work, and public institutions must also be robust enough to withstand critique.”


Coming together under this year’s theme “Digital ASEAN: Sustainable and Inclusive”, the 2020 ASEAN Business and Investment Summit is South East Asia’s premier annual forum that brings together Presidents, Prime Ministers and other leaders along with business and thought leaders to discuss the future of the region. Coming at such a pivotal moment, against the backdrop of the shock of the coronavirus and the many challenges facing the region, this year’s Summit provides a unique opportunity for both the public and private sectors to come together and identify ways to promote inclusive sustainable growth in a digital age.