
Ministry of Investment and Foreign Economic Relations (MIFER), the aiming to develop the human resources and to improve the capacity of staffs, the 36th ceremony of Friday Talk of Knowledge Sharing Program - KSP was held at the Office No (1), Nay Pyi Taw in the afternoon of today. Dr. Kan Zaw, the Union Minister for Investment and Foreign Economic Relations attended and delivered the opening remarks.

The Union Minister explained that today’s topic is “The Prospect of Economic Development for Magway Region” for 36th the Knowledge Sharing Program (KSP)  and to be presented by Dr. Dr. Htein Lin Aye, Director of the Directorate of Investment and Company Administration from office of Magway Region. He said that the KSP’s topics include economic theories and internationally related topics as well as the economic situation of States and Regions. He emphasised that the country is constituted with 15 States and Regions that have its abundance of natural resources, locational advantages with transportation networks, the cultivation of dry farming by building dams and investment opportunities. Moreover, the Union Minister highlighted that the investment promotion for the country’s economic development is  carried out not only by Myanmar Investment Commission- MIC but also States and Regional Investment committees which have been delegated decision making for investment in accordance with law, rules and regulations. He underscored that MIFER’s staff can be able to understand the volume of the investment, investment opportunities, infrastructure and business activities of Magway Region from today’s discussion, and then it will be beneficial for all staff by realizing the Myanmar’s investment mapping, further potential investment areas and opportunities as well as the investment statistics of each and every Region and State in the upcoming KSP. Finally, he urged that the presenter systematically to share about the importance priorities of investment potential and situation of Magway Region, and staffs need to actively participate in today’s discussion.

Dr. Htein Lin Aye , Director of the Directorate of Investment and Company Administration from office of Magway Region presented the topic “The Prospect of Economic Development for Magway Region”, and the attendees raised the questions, queries and discussion.  

Director Generals from Directorate of Investment and Company Administration and Foreign Economic Relations Department, Deputy Permanent Secretary, Deputy Director Generals and Senior Officials and total 120 persons of the staff joined this program.