Ministry News

Ministry of Investment and Foreign Economic Relations (MIFER) , the aiming to develop the human resources and to improve the capacity of staffs, the 30th ceremony of Friday Talk of Knowledge Sharing Program - KSP was held at the Office No (1), Nay Pyi Taw in the afternoon of 22 September 2023. Dr. Kan Zaw, the Union Minister for Investment and Foreign Economic Relations attended and delivered the opening speech.

The Union Minister emphasized that it is a topic of “Negotiation of capacity building for bilateral and multilateral economic cooperation agreements” is directly related to our ministry’s functions and every staff can get knowledge from this talk, and apply in their respective workplace. He said that the Ministry of Commerce (MOFCOM) of the People’s Republic of China has been offered and organized workshops, seminars and capacity building program with various topics and subjects for Myanmar’s government officials, aiming to get practical ideas and knowledges. On the Myanmar side, MIFER also has been facilitated to attend not only officials from Ministries but also representatives from Republic of the Union of Myanmar Federation of Chamber of Commerce and Industry (UMFCCI) since 2023, March. He pointed out the importance of commercial activities between two countries not only the export and import but also the investment promotion and, the necessary to improve investment promotion and protection and facilitation and, the reciprocal protection not only foreign investors who invest in our country but also national investors who invest in other nations. Moreover, He also underlined that MIFER’s staffs need to know the Five- Points Road Map of the nation, policies, and economic objectives of the country’s development and, to protect the national interest, and also need to understand and follow our ministry’s vision and mission as well as the country’s background and circumstance. Additionally, the Union Minister underscored that MIFER’s staffs can effectively apply the awareness from today’s topic which based on the bilateral and multilateral economic cooperation agreements with the aim for the future economic and investment promotion activities. Finally, the Union Minister called on the staffs to actively participate and openly discuss the today’s Talk. 

U Thet Tin Lin, Director from Foreign Economic Relations Department presented the topic with the title Negotiation of capacity building for bilateral and multilateral economic cooperation agreements which was gained from seminar supported by the Ministry of Commerce (MOFCOM) Program of the People’s Republic of China. After that, the attendees make questions, queries and discussion.

This seminar was held on hybrid system and also attended by the Deputy Minister, Director Generals and nearly 120 persons of senior officials from Head Quarter and the States and Regions Officers.