NAY PYI TAW – Ministry of Investment and Foreign Economic Relations launches a comprehensive update to the Myanmar Development Assistance Policy (DAP).
Originally launched during the 2018 Myanmar Development Effectiveness Roundtable, this 2020 update presents an overarching policy framework used to guide the delivery of development assistance, together with clear procedures used to streamline the identification, design, negotiation, approval, implementation and evaluation of initiatives funded in part or whole by development assistance.
Importantly, this latest iteration of the Development Assistance Policy has been designed to facilitate a much greater degree of alignment between development assistance provided to Myanmar and the Myanmar Sustainable Development Plan 2018-2030. This 2020 update to the Development Assistance Policy has also been refined in ways which facilitate the further devolution of development assistance management functions to line ministries, allowing for the Development Assistance Coordination Unit to maintain a more strategic outlook.
Within the Foreword, H.E. U Thaung Tun, Union Minister of Investment and Foreign Economic Relations and DACU Vice-Chair states:
“I believe well-managed and strategically targeted development assistance can and must play a critical role in facilitating a more investment-friendly environment in Myanmar. Indeed, development assistance can serve as a driver for greater private investment, helping to foster economic growth, creating employment opportunities, and facilitating technology transfer and knowledge sharing. Therefore, I am confident that this Development Assistance Policy will provide much needed strategic direction for both our Partners in Development and Government Entities alike.”
As with previous versions, the Development Assistance Policy was drafted in a highly consultative manner, incorporating inputs from a wide range of development stakeholders, including but not limited to Government Entities, Partners in Development via the Cooperation Partners Group, Civil Society and the Private Sector.
This Development Assistance Policy, complemented by a revitalized set of Strategic Coordination Groups is expected to significantly strengthen foundations for multi-stakeholder dialogue and coordination that will serve Myanmar and our Partners in Development well, including in the delivery of our soon-to-be-launched Myanmar Economic Resilience and Reform Plan (MERRP).