Ministry News

October 14, Nay Pyi Taw

The tenth meeting of the Working Committee to address the impact of COVID-19 on the country’s economy was held via video conference this afternoon.

The meeting was chaired by U Thaung Tun, Union Minister for Investment and Foreign Economic Relations. Members of the working committee Union Minsters, U Soe Win , U Thein Swe and Dr. Than Myint, the Governor of the Central Bank of Myanmar, U Kyaw Kyaw Maung and representatives of the Ministries concerned took part in the meeting.

Following the setting up of the first COVID-19 relief fund of Kyats 100 billion in April, the Committee approved the disbursement of loans to 3393 enterprises.

Subsequently, the government added a further Kyats 100 billion to the COVID-19 Fund and approved Kyats 20.777 billion in loans to 1041 enterprises. Today’s meeting approved the disbursements of Kyats 21.122 billion to 1200 enterprises.

Number of Enterprises from different Sectors and loans disbursed:

No TitleEnterprises Million (Kyats)
1.Agricultural Sector411010
2. Livestock Sector1822957
3.Fisheries Sector 93  2218
4.Export Sector  42 1770
5.Import Substitution Sector 153 3432
6.Supply Chain491257
7.Food Manufacturing 157027560
8.Foreign Employment Services 70
9. Vocational Training 41825

Total 2241 41899
The meeting also discussed the need to carry out an assessment regarding the impact of the loans disbursed so as to decide on a future course of action.