Ministry News

Nay Pyi Taw, May 5
The 1st Meeting of Procurement Committee for Medicines and Medical Equipment on COVID-19 Prevention, Control and Treatment was held at Office No. 1, Ministry of Investment and Foreign Economic Relations this morning. The meeting was attended by  U Aung Naing Oo, Union Minister for Investment and Foreign Economic Relations and  Chairman of Procurement Committee, the Committee Members and representatives from concerned ministries.
In his opening remarks, Union Minister expressed that due to the situation of Covid-19 in last year, the committee activities were mainly focused on prevention, control and treatment measures, and now situation is improving compared to the last year, he urged the Committee needs to refine its strategies and priorities to meet the current requirements. He recalled the Committe workdone on implementation of CERP through fiscal and financial stimulus programmes to recover the national economy from reversed impact of the Covid-19.
He also shared some major points of Myanmar Economic Recovery Plan (MERP) which is under consultation with relevant ministries aiming to speed up economic recovery actions of country’s economy.
Then, Union Minister highlighted to undertake prompt actions by developing preparatory work programmes for prevention and control measures of pandemic since serious impact of Covid -19’s third wave suffered in neighbouring countries and, to provide the necessary supports to Ministry of Health and Sports for medicine and medical equipments with proactive and timely manners.
He also underscored the roles of Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Ministry of Investment and Foreign Economic Relations to support the cooperation with bileteral and multilateral development partners to manage loans, grants and technical assistance effectively.
Following this, the committee members explained and discussed on the status of logistics works for distribution of medicine and equipments to the whole country, the progress on the procurement of medicine and medical equipments in line with CERP action plans, and updating on loans, grants and technical assistance received from Development Partners and the future plan for additional purchasing of medicine and medical equipments not only for current active cases but also preparatary works for third wave of Covid-19.
The meeting was also attended by Deputy Minister and senior officials from Ministry of Investment and Foreign Economic Relations.