Ministry News

NAY PYI TAW, 14October

      Union Minister for Investment and Foreign Economic Relations U ThaungTun today attended the 11thIntersessionalRegional Comprehensive Economic Partnership (RCEP) Ministerial Meeting via videoconference.

During the meeting, the RCEP Trade Negotiation Committee (TNC) Chair presented the TNC report to the Ministers on the status of the RCEP Negotiations. The Ministers exchanged views on the preparations for the signing of the RCEP Agreement at the 4th RCEP Summit.

The Ministers welcomed the significant progress made by the RCEP Trade Negotiation Committee and the Working Group on Legal and Institutional Issues for completion of legal scrubbing to ensure timely completion of the agreement. The Ministers also agreed that the RCEP would keep the door open for India to join the agreement when it was ready to do so.

The Union Minister commendedthe Trade Negotiation Committee, the Working Group on Legal and Institutional Issues and the ASEAN Secretariat for their hard work in ensuring the timely completion process for signing of the RCEP Agreement.

The meeting was attended by RCEP Ministers from 10 ASEAN Member States and Australia, China, Japan, Korea and New Zealand, the TNC Chair and TNC leads, the Secretary-General of ASEAN and officials.