
Ministry of Investment and Foreign Economic Relations (MIFER), the aiming to develop the human resources and to improve the capacity of staffs, the 34th ceremony of Friday Talk of Knowledge Sharing Program - KSP was held at the Office No (1), Nay Pyi Taw in the afternoon of today. Dr. Kan Zaw, the Union Minister for Investment and Foreign Economic Relations attended and delivered the opening remarks.

The Union Minister pointed out that the topic of investment in the infrastructure sector to be discussed today is very important for the staffs of the ministry. He explained that Roads, Bridges, Railways, Ports, Airports, Telecommunications, Transportations, Electricity, Offices, Schools and Healthcare Centers are included in the Infrastructure and elaborated two types of infrastructures: Hard Infrastructure (Physical Infrastructure and Economic Infrastructure) and Soft Infrastructure (Social Infrastructure).He emphasized that how Infrastructures can improve the socio-economic development and to support for health and wellbeing of the people so that the countries in all over the world have been developing the infrastructures not only with the government budget but also with the collaboration of private sector through Public-Private Partnership-PPP process. He also stressed the importance of Physical Investment, Financial Investment and Human Investment. He highlighted that the Ministry of Investment and Foreign Economic Relations (MIFER) is providing services for investment promotion and conducting Foreign Economic Relations for national economic development. Therefore, he urged that MIFER’s staff must be able to invite more investments in improving Economic and Social Infrastructures which are essential for the country’s development.  

Daw Mya Sanda, Director from Directorate of Investment and Company Administration presented the topic “Knowledge Sharing of Infrastructure Investment”, the attendees raised the questions, queries and discussion.

The Deputy Minister, Director General, Senior Officials and total 80 persons of the staff joined this program.