Ministry News

Ministry of Investment and Foreign Economic Relations (MIFER), the aiming to develop the human resources and to improve the capacity of staffs, the 38th ceremony of Friday Talk of Knowledge Sharing Program - KSP was held at the Office No (1), Nay Pyi Taw in the afternoon of today. Dr. Kan Zaw, the Union Minister for Investment and Foreign Economic Relations attended and delivered the opening remarks.

The Union Minister pointed out that Knowledge Sharing Program -KSP is not only gain for the knowledge and awareness but also apply for practical fields, and today’s KSP on “Project Proposal Writing and Project Management” is necessity for staffs to understand for applying in the practical areas, and MIFER’s staff will understand the definition of project and planning, the project proposal writing, project implementation process and procedures, unexpected risks, project’s results/ outputs and step by step management to achieve the objective of the project. He also said that as ministry’s functions involve the investment and company administration, MIFER’s staff need to realize the project proposal writing. The Union Minister highlighted that MIFER’s staff would be get the advantages from today’s topic and also can be able to understand the basic factors of project proposal writing such as contents, time, place and also Strength, Weakness, Opportunities and Threads (SWOT) in implementing the project, and he finally urged staffs to give  the feedback in the today’s discussion.



Daw Rita Tun Myint , Deputy Director from Directorate of Investment and Company Administration presented the topic with the title “Project Proposal Writing and Project Management”.The attendees were openly discussed the matters related with the current implementation process of Project Proposal by the ministry, their encountered experiences and unanticipated risks of project proposal drafting and also the current drafting status of the Project Proposal by the ministry.  

Deputy Minister, Director Generals, Deputy Permanent Secretary, Deputy Director Generals and Senior Officials and total 120 persons of the staff joined this program.